Renting out property
renting out your property

Renting out property

When you are research for information to engaging a property agent to help you rent out HDB flat or private property, you are on the right webpage.
In the information edge, it is easy for consumers to research, make comparisons before making a decision on appointing a rental property agent.

In a rental transaction there are 2 main parts:
1. Getting a suitable tenant
2. Challenges during the tenancy period

searching information
shorter time and higher rent

Getting a suitable tenant

As a landlord, your goal is to secure a suitable tenant for your HDB flat or private property in a shorter time and with a targeted rent, with effective sales strategies and pricing strategies you can achieve this goal.

Challenges during the tenancy period

Somethings that you need a lot of energy and problem-solving skills to deal with during the tenancy period.

When the tenant fails to pay rent, what are the landlord's rights and actions?

If found someone not listed as your tenant staying on your property, what action does landlord needed?

If the tenant fails to make good any defects in accordance with the covenants in the tenancy agreement, what are landlord's rights and actions?

When the tenant breaches the clause in the tenancy agreement, what are the steps evict the tenant?

How to resolve conflict with your tenant?

If the premises not properly clean upon handover back to the landlord, can the tenant retain the keys to do the cleaning?

If the tenant refuses to vacate the premises on the expiry of the tenancy term, what are the landlord's rights and actions?

solution during tenancy term

Landlord's agent service includes

 Pricing strategies

 Sales strategies


 Prepare draft tenancy agreement

 Prepare an inventory list

 Facilitate handing over the premises

 Check the tenant’s immigration pass status

 Assists on submit tenant’s particular to the relevant authority

 Assists on HDB approval submission

 Assists in the maintenance, minor repair, and handyman services

 Advice on Landlord’s Implied Power under Land Titles Act section 93

 Conflict resolution

 Frequency communication

Factors to consider when engaging a property agent

Landlord agent service fee 0.5 month rent for every one year lease term
Property agent digital marketing skills
Property agent more than 25 years experience


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