What is the Landlord's Implied Power in the leasing of property in Singapore?

Landlord's Implied Power

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Landlord's Implied Power

When renting out a property as a landlord, besides getting the right tenant at your targeted rent and dealing with the challenges during the tenancy period, you should be aware of your implied power under the Land Title Act of Singapore.

What is Landlord’s Implied Power?

Landlord’s implied power is the power of the landlord under the Land Titles Act of Singapore with or without expressed in the lease agreement.

State of the leased premises

The landlord or landlord’s agent may enter the leased premises twice every year during the term at a reasonable time of the day upon giving the tenant 2 days advance notice to view the state of the repair of the leased premises.

Notice of repair

The landlord may serve on the tenant a notice in writing of any defect, requiring the tenant within a reasonable time to repair the defect in accordance with any covenant that is expressed or implied in the lease agreement.

Tenant default in repair

In default of the tenant repairing any defect according to the notice, the landlord may, from time to time, enter the leased premises and effect the required repairs.

Flooring repair

Repair required by Law

The landlord or landlord’s agent may at all reasonable times during the term, with workmen and others and all necessary materials and appliances, enter upon the leased premises to carry out repairs required by law and any public authority. Provided that such repairs shall be carried out or done without undue interference with the occupation and use of the premises by the tenant. For example, the Home Improvement Program (HIP) by HDB.

Re-enter the leased premises

• The rent or any part thereof is in arrears for the space of 30 days (although no formal demand, therefore, has been made).

• Default is made in the fulfillment of any covenant or condition, whether expressed or implied in the lease agreement, and such default is continued for the space of 30 days.

Diverse of implied power

The landlord's implied power may be varied or negatived by express provisions in the lease agreement. For example, Re-enter the leased premises upon tenant default in rent for 7 days.


Knowing the rights and power of a landlord is important when renting out your property; get professional advice before damage is beyond your control.
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